Effective Toenail Fungus Treatment Options

There are numerous topical creams available over-the-counter as a nail fungus treatment, yet their effectiveness is questionable at best. The prescription oral medications are more effective as herbal home remedies for toenail fungal infections, however not without problematic side effects ranging from liver damage to skin rashes. Most of these prescribed drugs are topical solutions applied topically to the infected toenail. For this very reason, many people turn to a home remedy for toenail fungal infections that can be bought and used from the comfort of their own home.

One home remedy for nail fungus infections is imbedded with Castor oil and used as a suppository. Just like the other solutions discussed earlier, there are serious side effects associated with this treatment. For instance, some of the fungi responsible for this infection thrive in extremely warm, moist environments, which makes swimming pools a haven for them. Trending products on BestReviews.Tips Canada In order to avoid this, swimming pools should be kept at a minimum; and wearing swimming caps or swimming shoes while swimming and going barefoot in warm water is highly recommended.

The first topical treatments for this fungal infection are all natural topical treatments that come in either unsweetened or unrefined hexane or tarter-free propylene glycol. Hexane is the most commonly used ingredient in these preparations; however, its use has been strongly discouraged since the chemical has been shown to cause kidney cancer. Terbinafine is also a popular choice for toenail fungal infections, and it too has been shown to cause kidney cancer in users. For this reason, it is often considered unsafe for anyone to use hexane on a regular basis.

Another popular topical antifungal treatment is Penlac, an antifungal agent often used in topical preparations. Penlac contains an antifungal substance called terbinafine. Like terbinafine, Penlac is proven to be toxic to certain types of fungi. Penlac should not be used by pregnant women or individuals using prescription drugs, so people using prescription drugs are strongly advised to consult their health care providers before taking Penlac. Penlac can also be found in oral antifungals such as Toquer.

Vicks Vaporub is another oral solution available for the treatment of nail fungus infections. A recent study published in the Journal of Alternative Medicine showed that Vicks Vaporub was very effective when treating nail fungus infections; however, this study did not directly prove that it was effective for all types of fungal nail infections. Because Vicks Vaporub contains menthol, an ingredient that can be irritating to many people, it should be used cautiously. One disadvantage to Vicks Vaporub is that it has a bitter taste that some people find unpleasant.

Another alternative treatment for nail fungus infection is tea tree oil. This oil kills fungi by disrupting the chemical structures in their cell membranes, thus preventing the fungi from reproducing. However, tea tree oil can only penetrate the outer layer of the nail plate, where it is effective. It cannot penetrate the inner layer, which is where the fungal cells are located, to kill the fungi.

Some people use natural remedies that are available from the refrigerator to treat nail fungus treatment. For example, uncooked potatoes have been known to provide relief from nail fungus infections. Apple cider vinegar has also been known to reduce infection symptoms, although its effectiveness is considered to be controversial. Boric acid is also available to purchase in grocery stores and can be applied directly to the infected nail.

It is important to note that these natural remedies may not prove to be effective in all cases. Fungi can become resistant to many of these treatments. Therefore, you should consult with your doctor before trying any of these at home. Your doctor can determine the best toenail fungus remedy for your particular case.